Loyverse Dashboard

Instant access to your store’s most important data
Loyverse Dashboard helps you instantly analyze your store’s sales, and track inventory directly from your smartphone anytime, anywhere. Complementing the Loyverse POS app, it shows vital information about your business at your fingertips in real-time, allowing you to make important decisions immediately.

Get Your Store's Statistics Anytime, Anywhere

Whether you're on holiday, a business trip, or just need to visit a nearby supermarket for 10 minutes, you'll have real-time access to inventory and sales data at hand at all times.
Loyverse Dashboard


Sales summary
Sales summary
Analyze store growth as you assess the revenue, average sales, and profit. Create informed and innovative business strategies continuously to prevent business stagnation.
Sales trend
Track sales growth by comparing with previous days, weeks, months, or years and make critical decisions that would enable a long-lasting business legacy.
Sales summary
Sales by item
Determine which items are performing well on average or underperforming to increase customer satisfaction levels.
Sales by category
Cakes, roses, baguettes, t-shirts... every type of shops will benefit from Loyverse Dashboard, which allows you to see which categories are selling the best and which needs offers or discounts to attract further attention.
Sales summary
Sales by employee
Find out who is performing well and who needs more training based on real-time data.
Item stock
View stock levels and apply filters to inform yourself when items are running low or are all out. This way you'll never leave your customers disappointed.
Stock push-notifications
Get notifications in real-time on items that are running low or are out of stock. Your smartphone and tablet have never been this practical!
Dark theme
Change the app view according to your environment. The dark theme is convenient for eye strain during the night.


Martha Verde, Miami, FL, United States
"I love using Loyverse at my store, probably the feature I like the most is the Loyverse Dashboard I have in my phone because I can keep track of all my sales daily at any time of the day."
Martha Verde, Miami, FL, United States
Doi Chang Coffee Farm, Korea
"Wherever there is internet available, I can track the sales in my store very easily. Due to the nature of the business, the amount of work, delivering coffee beans to other different businesses, is significant. Therefore, I had to go out often. Even so, I could check my sales anytime, from my phone."
Doi Chang Coffee Farm, Korea
Sergio Palma Silva, D'Fran, Chile
"Loyverse helped us a lot in our business by allowing us to track sales and inventory with simple, easy-to-use features and a straightforward interface, something we consider very important. We recommend Loyverse 100%"
Sergio Palma Silva, D'Fran, Chile

Learn how to use Loyverse POS system with pleasure


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    The team of our experts is always ready to help you to operate the system directly on the spot in the POS and Back Office.


    Help Center

    A comprehensive set of step-by-step guides in 17 languages with video tutorials.


    Loyverse Town

    A community for users of Loyverse products. For sharing experience and tips on using the system and other topics for business development.


For iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone, or tablet, our dashboard is used by many business owners, because it keeps you updated on what is happening in your business. Ready to make accurate and informed decisions to drive your small business to a greater level of success.
If you don’t have a Loyverse account, register here–it’s free.